As I enter the grace of my 42nd birthday, I reflect on the lessons and divine insights that have shaped my journey. This special day is a celebration of my birth and a moment to share the wisdom that life, others, and the Holy Spirit have imparted to me. Each musing I share is a snapshot of the truths that have guided me, a beacon for those navigating their paths. As you read, I invite you to see through the lens of my experiences—some challenging, others uplifting, but all divinely orchestrated for growth and deeper understanding.
1) The altar of your heart is for God and Him only. He will crush ANYONE or ANYTHING you put in His place by removing them.
2) True love is hard to find. It's not impossible, but it's hard. When you find it, cherish it because many don't experience it.
3) The people you expect to support you in your business endeavors rarely do; the ones you least expect will be your biggest supporters.
4) Many will think you think you are better than them because they believe you are better than them.
5) The rebukes of life will be your most prominent teacher. But you will learn quicker with the help of the Holy Spirit.
6) When you do something for someone, do it from the kindness of your heart, not because you want praise.
7) The spirit of offense or unforgiveness will cause many people to walk out of your life and will cause you to do the same to others.
8) You really do reap what you sow, but sometimes you reap things because of those you are connected to, even though you are innocent.
9) It's ok to ask for help. The people around you aren't mind readers.
10) Money has principles; the sooner you learn them, the better you will manage it.
11) You can really do anything you put your mind to. The problem is changing your mindset.
12) Self-discipline is challenging; you are called to help others if you have it.
13) It is better to listen and observe. You can discern your environment better that way.
14) Show up for yourself the same way that you show up for others.
15) God honestly does give seed to the sower. He wants you to be a blessing to others.
16) The way people treat you is an indication of their character, not yours. But what you allow shows how you value yourself or your obedience to the humility of God.
17) When you ask God to use you, you sign up for people to use you. When they have no use for you, the season is up.
18) Seeing the potential in others feels like a blessing and a curse. They may hate you without wanting to tap into their abilities.
19) As a student, learn what and what not to do when you become the teacher.
20) You can be a strong woman in leadership and still be feminine.
21) If you are gifted, the spirit of jealousy will follow you, no matter how humble you are.
22) The same thing applies to those who are favored by God.
23) Children have a right to express themselves without being disrespectful.
24) Your personality will be offensive to some, especially if you are particular.
25) Pay attention to your body. You will be more likely to know when something is going on with your health.
26) God speaks in many ways. It's a blessing when you discover how He communicates with you and you begin to understand.
27) If you are a dreamer, don't ignore them; God is trying to tell you something.
28) When a loved one transitions from life to death, they instantly go from being a reality to a memory.
29) Your love for your children is unexplainable, but I observed that a grandmother's love is even greater.
30) Every child needs both parents, but God picks us up when our parents forsake us.
31) An indication of a season coming to an end is when your heart pivots.
32) Everything is not a demon; a man of God once told me, "Some people think they have a demon when they actually have low vitamin D."
33) Some people need discipleship, not deliverance, while others need both. You can only have one with the other.
34) If you are a prophet, remember your job is to speak what God said, not be manipulated by the idols in people's hearts. Oh yeah, and get you a prophetic community.
35) You can agree to disagree in relationships, but there are some non-negotiables.
36) Never treat a guest better than those you are called to do life with.
37) Eat whole foods, drink plenty of water, and exercise; this will keep the spirit of infirmity at bay.
38) Fasting & Prayer is key, but the secret place of prayer is the door.
39) Practice prophetic wellness: Holy Spirit-inspired self-care.
40) A woman's hair is her glory. Doing hair was indeed a ministry.
41) There's no better feeling than being 100% authentically who God created you to be. It took me 41 years to fully embrace this.
Navigating through life's lessons has not only shaped who I am but also deepened my relationship with God and those around me. At 42, I stand grateful for every challenge, rebuke, blessing, and every moment of divine revelation.
These musings are shared in the hope that they resonate with you, spark reflection, offer guidance, and cause aha moments. I plan to do this every year for the rest of my life on this side of eternity.
I would love to hear from you. Which number resonates with you in this season of your life? 👇 Comment below.